
Holiday Pay?

Hi everyone, not sure if my question can be answered or not. So I had 12/23 scheduled off since the beginning of august and was using pto for it. The week before I was sick with the flu and being out of pto they took that day that was already schedule and used it for when I was sick. My manager told me that I was still okay to take the day off since it had been schedule months ago. 12/23 comes and I don’t go to work. We’ll we were supposed to get paid for Monday 12/26 due to Christmas being a holiday. My paystub was not reflecting the holiday pay. I emailed my benefits team and they are saying because I’m on FMLA which I was placed on literally that week that. That I wouldn’t be getting the holiday pay because I took an unpaid day off the…

Hi everyone, not sure if my question can be answered or not.

So I had 12/23 scheduled off since the beginning of august and was using pto for it. The week before I was sick with the flu and being out of pto they took that day that was already schedule and used it for when I was sick. My manager told me that I was still okay to take the day off since it had been schedule months ago. 12/23 comes and I don’t go to work. We’ll we were supposed to get paid for Monday 12/26 due to Christmas being a holiday.

My paystub was not reflecting the holiday pay. I emailed my benefits team and they are saying because I’m on FMLA which I was placed on literally that week that. That I wouldn’t be getting the holiday pay because I took an unpaid day off the day before the holiday and I’m on FMLA. Apparently if I wasn’t on FMLA that I would have been paid.

It doesn’t make sense to me…payroll stole my last pto day that I was using to spend with my son and now they are not paying me for Christmas. I pretty much just got told it is what is is but I kinda wanna escalate it.

Has anyone else dealt with this?


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