
Job Seekers: Never work with Outsourced Recruiters

This could qualify as a LPT too. I have worked 6+ jobs since 2008, and never once has a recruiting agency helped me. In fact, I had multiple experiences where these agencies were a complete waste of time and energy. I hear and see a TON of recruiters on job boards and I want to share my experience working with this unregulated business model: Recruiting agencies get paid to send the “right” candidate, not the ones who apply. This means if you apply to a job on LinkedIn/Indeed you'll be placed in a pile of other candidates and the agency picks the “right” candidate Recruiters will usually label the job description “our client” or “we are seeking applicants” to modestly admit they are an agency without really saying so. Usually the job description and salary is a bit more appealing to get more applicants There's a slimy method in which…

This could qualify as a LPT too.

I have worked 6+ jobs since 2008, and never once has a recruiting agency helped me. In fact, I had multiple experiences where these agencies were a complete waste of time and energy.

I hear and see a TON of recruiters on job boards and I want to share my experience working with this unregulated business model:

  1. Recruiting agencies get paid to send the “right” candidate, not the ones who apply. This means if you apply to a job on LinkedIn/Indeed you'll be placed in a pile of other candidates and the agency picks the “right” candidate
  2. Recruiters will usually label the job description “our client” or “we are seeking applicants” to modestly admit they are an agency without really saying so. Usually the job description and salary is a bit more appealing to get more applicants
  3. There's a slimy method in which they reach out to you on LinkedIn and approach you directly without giving you the name of the company behind the listing. In many cases they don't want to reveal the company name. Why? Because if they do, they don't make money if you aren't chosen as the “right” candidate when you apply directly.
  4. Finally, when applying directly (either contact the company's manager or find the job on their website) you are avoiding being placed in a pile of resumes for the agency to pick and present to the company of interest. This is the number 1 reason why you should go directly to the company's website and apply.

Sure, the agency should get credit for listing the job listing to a certain extent, but when it comes to you versus the opportunity to get money in your pocket in this world, never work with a recruiter.

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