
My supervisor treats us like children

Okay, so this has been happening for a while now. My supervisor gets incredibly defensive when we call out bullshit and just disregards our complains and makes sarcastic little comments like she's talking to 5yo that don't know any better. Yesterday, we were told that the system that keeps track of how many support tickets we close is not working properly and that every morning before our shift we have to check that very same system and fill out a form that keeps track of how many we closed the day before. Today I checked and submitted 6, all good so far. Later I had to teach a teammate how to do it, and the count was up to 33. I told my sup about it and she said she'd check it later. I asked her to check as soon as possible because if the real number is 33 and…

Okay, so this has been happening for a while now. My supervisor gets incredibly defensive when we call out bullshit and just disregards our complains and makes sarcastic little comments like she's talking to 5yo that don't know any better.

Yesterday, we were told that the system that keeps track of how many support tickets we close is not working properly and that every morning before our shift we have to check that very same system and fill out a form that keeps track of how many we closed the day before.

Today I checked and submitted 6, all good so far. Later I had to teach a teammate how to do it, and the count was up to 33. I told my sup about it and she said she'd check it later. I asked her to check as soon as possible because if the real number is 33 and I'm submitting 6, then I'd be looked like I'm just slouching in my chair doing nothing. Then she got aggressive saying “How would you know that, you didn't even notice in time?” I called her out for being defensive about a legitimate concern and then she replied with “hahahaha ok”

And she's not only like that with me, a friend of mine who's pregnant has been reprimanded for asking her lunch time be respected when my supervisor tried to book calls during it, she doesn't want to report her because she's scared our supervisor will act like an asshole to her.

I've been the top performer ever since I started in October last year, perfect QA, everything and it just feels like I have to keep track of everything I do to keep it that way instead of focusing on doing my actual job.

I'm Mexican btw so any laws may be different, but do you have any tips?

TL;DR: My supervisor is making us track our metrics ourselves on a system that doesn't work and treats us like children everytime we call out things that don't work or behaviors that are inappropriate for an authority on the team.

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