
Just got a promotion to team lead and the pay is not what was offered

I worked my butt off to get the team leader role, I applied and interviewed and was told I got it yesterday, great news. My manager didn't give me the specific amount they would pay but said I would be able to start in the middle of the grade to make it worthwhile. I got an email today from my manager offering me the lowest amount they can in this new grade and made it seem like he was doing me a favor. Just for context this would mean I would get an extra £100 a month. I was so upset not just at the pay but also at the disrespect from my manager that he would try and offer me the lowest amount. When I called him he scoffed when I suggested the amount I was expecting. He is now offering 3 points above where he offered me previously…

I worked my butt off to get the team leader role, I applied and interviewed and was told I got it yesterday, great news. My manager didn't give me the specific amount they would pay but said I would be able to start in the middle of the grade to make it worthwhile. I got an email today from my manager offering me the lowest amount they can in this new grade and made it seem like he was doing me a favor. Just for context this would mean I would get an extra £100 a month. I was so upset not just at the pay but also at the disrespect from my manager that he would try and offer me the lowest amount. When I called him he scoffed when I suggested the amount I was expecting. He is now offering 3 points above where he offered me previously which is still a bit lower than I want but it is acceptable with payrise later this year. It has made me want to leave as soon as I get enough experience, why do managers think it is acceptable to treat their staff like this! Managers like this is why you get workers doing the bare minimum, why would I work my ass off to get this disrespect!

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