
For all you “managers” on here, I have a question.

The policy that you all “managers” like to enforce, the “if you call out you need to cover your shift.” What is it you all are doing that either one, you cannot manage your staff to find coverage, or two cover the shift yourself. Are you all soooo busy in your little closet sized office reading reddit, answering emails, going over paperwork, that you cannot manage your own staff. You need to understand, that when we call out sick, call out for emergencies, or call out cause we need just a break, that we do not care if we find coverage. We already took that first step in calling out, we are going to follow through and not show up regardless of coverage. When you take the control of the situation, be the leader you are paid to be, and managed your own people, you actually would save yourself, and…

The policy that you all “managers” like to enforce, the “if you call out you need to cover your shift.”

What is it you all are doing that either one, you cannot manage your staff to find coverage, or two cover the shift yourself. Are you all soooo busy in your little closet sized office reading reddit, answering emails, going over paperwork, that you cannot manage your own staff.

You need to understand, that when we call out sick, call out for emergencies, or call out cause we need just a break, that we do not care if we find coverage. We already took that first step in calling out, we are going to follow through and not show up regardless of coverage. When you take the control of the situation, be the leader you are paid to be, and managed your own people, you actually would save yourself, and the company a lot stress. Instead you want to pass on this policy to people who have no control.

The word is “Manager” YOU are suppose manage your team of employees. Not pass the responsibility to a non livable wage employee.

I never understood this policy. It makes no sense to me.


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