
Manager is an immature manchild.

Nine years. Nine years I’ve given to this company and seven years I’ve worked with this asshole “Jimmy” as my store manager. He doesn’t care about anything except micromanaging everyone else’s tasks because despite HIRING US he seems to think every employee is incompetent. This sexist dude treats women especially badly, actively making us seem stupid in front of customers if we make the mistake of asking him for “help.” The other day I’m trying to help a customer with a return, he comes up and interrupts, completely misunderstands what I’m doing or how to do it, and yet tells me I’m doing it wrong. Later on he even negs me about it when I’m doing something else, all “did you mess that up too?” When I try to explain myself, he gets upset by my tone and tries to send me home. I say ok I’m going home, and…

Nine years. Nine years I’ve given to this company and seven years I’ve worked with this asshole “Jimmy” as my store manager. He doesn’t care about anything except micromanaging everyone else’s tasks because despite HIRING US he seems to think every employee is incompetent. This sexist dude treats women especially badly, actively making us seem stupid in front of customers if we make the mistake of asking him for “help.”

The other day I’m trying to help a customer with a return, he comes up and interrupts, completely misunderstands what I’m doing or how to do it, and yet tells me I’m doing it wrong. Later on he even negs me about it when I’m doing something else, all “did you mess that up too?”

When I try to explain myself, he gets upset by my tone and tries to send me home. I say ok I’m going home, and he tells me if I do I’m fired. He’s an inconsistent idiot who makes up rules as he goes and has an ego so fragile he has to put his employees down to make himself feel better.

Dudes like him are the reason this subreddit exists. I’m sick of it.

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