
After several years, I quit my job

My boss who I have known for years kept talking to me like shit. One day I told them “listen, don't talk to me like I'm new because I've worked here for a very long time”. They said that they didn't care, in a very matter of fact tone, and they said how dare I speak them him like that. It was in that moment I made the decision to quit. It just goes to show — don't talk down to your employees and tell them you don't care about them. At least now I can focus on my studies instead of working in that dead-end nightmare. I've felt free ever since.

My boss who I have known for years kept talking to me like shit. One day I told them “listen, don't talk to me like I'm new because I've worked here for a very long time”. They said that they didn't care, in a very matter of fact tone, and they said how dare I speak them him like that. It was in that moment I made the decision to quit.

It just goes to show — don't talk down to your employees and tell them you don't care about them. At least now I can focus on my studies instead of working in that dead-end nightmare. I've felt free ever since.

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