
How To (Attempt) to Get Them to Pay You For an Exit Interview

Howdy all! To the point: I'm pretty sure I'm close to a two-week notice with my current employer. I have an inkling they'll want an “exit interview.” I have no desire to grant them the privilege. It's an extremely small organization. I'm person #8 they've hired in the last 6 years. Very small group and I definitely feel like an outsider and have been torn to shreds over incredibly small instances, like using a prepositional phrase. Yes, a prep phrase. Micromanagement specifically around me is the norm. I had a rough onboarding as well that the president had the door open for (I have a rough past but have proven my skills and she spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. It was incredibly embarrassing and was the equivalent of my dirty laundry out for everyone to hear) Anyway, if they want the exit interview, I'm planning to tell them…

Howdy all! To the point:

I'm pretty sure I'm close to a two-week notice with my current employer.

I have an inkling they'll want an “exit interview.”

I have no desire to grant them the privilege. It's an extremely small organization. I'm person #8 they've hired in the last 6 years. Very small group and I definitely feel like an outsider and have been torn to shreds over incredibly small instances, like using a prepositional phrase. Yes, a prep phrase. Micromanagement specifically around me is the norm. I had a rough onboarding as well that the president had the door open for (I have a rough past but have proven my skills and she spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. It was incredibly embarrassing and was the equivalent of my dirty laundry out for everyone to hear)

Anyway, if they want the exit interview, I'm planning to tell them they'll have to pay me for it, otherwise no dice.

Thoughts? Is it feasible? I'm done wasting my time there and thankfully am in an interview process for something new and better.

I'm not worried about burning bridges with them, I've had it up to here with them.

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