
My boss attempted to turn an employee against me

I have worked for this town for 5 years, we have about 6 employees at any given time not including my boss or his assistant, in the 5 years I have been here I have seen on average 2 people leave per year, the turn over rate is insane. Our second newest hire has been non stop complaining to me about how this place is ran and about how our boss treats us (he is not wrong). The problem is that I want this guy to stay, he is everything we need in an employee right now and I wanted my boss to figure out what he could do to keep him, I don’t want to see another good one go (but I couldn’t blame him in the least). I confronted my boss and basically told him that it’s obvious we are going to lose him if we don’t figure…

I have worked for this town for 5 years, we have about 6 employees at any given time not including my boss or his assistant, in the 5 years I have been here I have seen on average 2 people leave per year, the turn over rate is insane.

Our second newest hire has been non stop complaining to me about how this place is ran and about how our boss treats us (he is not wrong). The problem is that I want this guy to stay, he is everything we need in an employee right now and I wanted my boss to figure out what he could do to keep him, I don’t want to see another good one go (but I couldn’t blame him in the least). I confronted my boss and basically told him that it’s obvious we are going to lose him if we don’t figure something out.

Fast forward to today, the new guy confronts me (respectfully) and asks why I threw him under the bus?! Confused as hell I asked him what he was talking about, and he told me that my boss had said I came to him and told him that he was performing poorly and that I couldn’t even find him for most of the day (which is completely fabricated).

My boss hasn’t really ever been horrible, he has his day but our main issue is my terrible manager, honestly I am completely shocked that he blatantly lied to this kid.

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