
Working at a small company vs. large company

I worked at a 12-person startup forseveral years, and then moved on to one of those mega, we-have-eighty-acquisitions-type of conglomerate. Here are the key differences: Startup: Forced to come into the shitty warehouse office so “we can see all your smiling faces” Having the CEO sit in an office directly across from you so he passively-aggressively complains to your manager when you text on your lunch break Getting passive aggressive emails about Instagram hogging the office bandwidth (I switched to mobile data after that lol) Two people quitting because of said CEO meaning I have to take on their jobs with no reprieve in sight Being casually bullied into performing job functions I'm not comfortable with (e.g. handling sales orders, recruiting, etc. when I'm a coder) because “we all need to adaptable.” Watching your permanent desk setup with all your notes and documentation get dismantled for a hotdesking setup because…

I worked at a 12-person startup forseveral years, and then moved on to one of those mega, we-have-eighty-acquisitions-type of conglomerate. Here are the key differences:


  • Forced to come into the shitty warehouse office so “we can see all your smiling faces”
  • Having the CEO sit in an office directly across from you so he passively-aggressively complains to your manager when you text on your lunch break
  • Getting passive aggressive emails about Instagram hogging the office bandwidth (I switched to mobile data after that lol)
  • Two people quitting because of said CEO meaning I have to take on their jobs with no reprieve in sight
  • Being casually bullied into performing job functions I'm not comfortable with (e.g. handling sales orders, recruiting, etc. when I'm a coder) because “we all need to adaptable.”
  • Watching your permanent desk setup with all your notes and documentation get dismantled for a hotdesking setup because “they need the space”
  • Watching the company hire an insane consulting firm that advises them to deny promotions to two of their most loyal employees in order to avoid “title changes”

Giant company:

  • Pointless 3-hour meetings with 200 people where the department head goes over some project you have no part in
  • Constant talk about how AI is totally gonna “supplement” our work and not replace our job functions, haha
  • Watching the CEO demand people stand up and clap for him during the company all hands
  • Constant vague insinuations/threats to drag remote workers back to the office, even if they live halfway across the continent and were hired remote
  • Long emails about “realigning our resources for the New Year”
  • Getting invited to meetings to “work on our mission statement”
  • Watching talented and hardworking coworkers get laid off, and then watching the CEO claim that they weren't layoffs, but “resizing our resources to the company needs”
  • Watching the company Q&A during the monthly all-hands get shut down when people immediately question the “not-layoffs”

TL:DR it's all stupid and shitty. Anyone who is a CEO is a sociopath.

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