
Started a new job today, got sent home for being 2 minutes late…

So I started a new job or I guess didn’t start a new job at a dealership. I was sent home because I was 2 minutes late. Literally in the parking lot 2 mins before the time I was verbally told to come in at. trying to figure out where employee parking was only to find out it was locked behind a gate which I didn’t know the password to as it required one and this manager that sent me home did not think to even tell me what it was after I did some onboarding last week. Called my phone and ask where I was saying I was supposed to be here at 9 meanwhile I explained to him that I was in the parking lot needing assistance with getting into employee parking. He goes left field about me being late and that I can go home and whatever…

So I started a new job or I guess didn’t start a new job at a dealership. I was sent home because I was 2 minutes late.

Literally in the parking lot 2 mins before the time I was verbally told to come in at. trying to figure out where employee parking was only to find out it was locked behind a gate which I didn’t know the password to as it required one and this manager that sent me home did not think to even tell me what it was after I did some onboarding last week.

Called my phone and ask where I was saying I was supposed to be here at 9 meanwhile I explained to him that I was in the parking lot needing assistance with getting into employee parking. He goes left field about me being late and that I can go home and whatever else he was saying that I tuned out.

Parked in customer parking and went in and waited for him to get off the phone, and ofcourse once he does he goes into the spill about me being late telling me I can go home for the day and try again tomorrow.

It’s so bizarre that he lashed out at me like that over 2 mins when in the corporate world and any professional job a grace period of 6 min is always given.

It took alot in me to not go OFF on him cause boyyyy did I want to go off, I felt he was being petty and the tone he was talking to me in was off putting to me. But I stayed cool and kept my composure.

So he rubbed me the wrong way with his actions today and talking to me in a demeaning, chastising way. So I more than likely will be taking this to HR… I’m not even talking to the GM about this situation as he was right there when this played out so I’m not inclined to believe he cared and more inclined to believe he was on his side. Any ways I can get back at this manager?

P.S. during my onboarding day last week HR highly suggested I start on Tuesday so that they could get me my logins and accounts and password to clock in the system. I told him this that same day and he insisted I come in on Monday at 9am instead of Tuesday knowing I wouldn’t be able to clock in that day.

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