
Upcoming Reddit Talk AMA with singer/songwriter David Rovics – Thursday January 12 11:00 AM PST/2:00 PM EST

r/antiwork is proud to present another Reddit Talk AMA! Have you ever been curious about the music industry? Ever wondered what the life of a touring artist is like? Maybe you've even wondering about the history of political activism, expressed through song? From David himself: ​ David Rovics is a songwriter, musician, writer and podcaster based in Portland, Oregon. Since the 1990’s, David has been touring regularly throughout North America, Europe, and occasionally elsewhere, playing on stages large and small, at protests and festivals as well as in squatted social centers and folk clubs. He has recorded dozens of albums and has millions of his songs streamed every year. He writes regularly for Counterpunch and Fifth Estate, among other publications. David also plays music for kids. If you're interested in learning more about David Rovics and his music, you can find his website here. Join us this Thursday afternoon for…

r/antiwork is proud to present another Reddit Talk AMA! Have you ever been curious about the music industry? Ever wondered what the life of a touring artist is like? Maybe you've even wondering about the history of political activism, expressed through song? From David himself:

David Rovics is a songwriter, musician, writer and podcaster based in Portland, Oregon. Since the 1990’s, David has been touring regularly throughout North America, Europe, and occasionally elsewhere, playing on stages large and small, at protests and festivals as well as in squatted social centers and folk clubs. He has recorded dozens of albums and has millions of his songs streamed every year. He writes regularly for Counterpunch and Fifth Estate, among other publications. David also plays music for kids.

If you're interested in learning more about David Rovics and his music, you can find his website here. Join us this Thursday afternoon for our exclusive AMA with David. We hope to see you there!

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