
Posting “part time” in the job posting for full time work.

I already have a part time job but can't make ends meet. I need another part time job. The first one has me at 40 hours already. So, I've been applying for weekend work. Just this past week I had someone call me for security on the weekends only. He said he would only hire me if I worked Monday and Friday also. I told the dude I have another job and said “I could really use you, can you work overnights then go to your other job?”. Another job posted part time then in the job offer letter wrote “full time”. I called them about the error and HR actually admitted to me that in the interview they said “part time” but it was full time and they were hoping I would like them so much they could get me to resign and just come over to their company.…

I already have a part time job but can't make ends meet. I need another part time job. The first one has me at 40 hours already.

So, I've been applying for weekend work. Just this past week I had someone call me for security on the weekends only. He said he would only hire me if I worked Monday and Friday also. I told the dude I have another job and said “I could really use you, can you work overnights then go to your other job?”.

Another job posted part time then in the job offer letter wrote “full time”. I called them about the error and HR actually admitted to me that in the interview they said “part time” but it was full time and they were hoping I would like them so much they could get me to resign and just come over to their company.

How desperate are these companies that they are flat out lying to get employees? I declined both offers. Now I don't trust either one of them as employers.

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