
Can I make my work environment safer?

Not sure where else to ask this. Looking for advice. I have a situation at work where I have to walk across an area where cars frequently pass by, sometimes at high speed. It’s the back side of a building where I have to take large amounts of trash to the dumpster. You have to cross the road to get to it. I’ve got a constant fear of being run over by vehicles coming around a blind corner faster than they should. I’ve reported it to the property management but they haven’t done anything. I want to know if there is anything I can legally do to force them to make a crosswalk or speed bump or something… ANYTHING to make people aware that someone may be crossing here cause I would like to not die at work!

Not sure where else to ask this. Looking for advice. I have a situation at work where I have to walk across an area where cars frequently pass by, sometimes at high speed. It’s the back side of a building where I have to take large amounts of trash to the dumpster. You have to cross the road to get to it. I’ve got a constant fear of being run over by vehicles coming around a blind corner faster than they should. I’ve reported it to the property management but they haven’t done anything.
I want to know if there is anything I can legally do to force them to make a crosswalk or speed bump or something… ANYTHING to make people aware that someone may be crossing here cause I would like to not die at work!

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