
what to do if “striking is made illegal”

but you still need to “strike” well you have 2 options Definition of strike – collective slow down or stoppage of work to derive more gainful benefits from the employer. everyone full stop quits. we are protected under our at will agreements. we gather with our coworkers and agree to terms (devise our own contracts) and submit them until they are approved. This is outside of the scope of strike as everyone has forfeited their benefits, health insurance, and banked PTO (if any) and no longer work for the company, they are free to hire a store full of new employees or they can sign your paper. Second option is simple – become ineffective at your duty. Lets say youre a welder? just non stop fail to make the part or put holes through it. “oops hand slipped boss”….grocerer? forgot to scan an item in the belt. this type of…

but you still need to “strike” well you have 2 options

Definition of strike – collective slow down or stoppage of work to derive more gainful benefits from the employer.

  1. everyone full stop quits. we are protected under our at will agreements. we gather with our coworkers and agree to terms (devise our own contracts) and submit them until they are approved. This is outside of the scope of strike as everyone has forfeited their benefits, health insurance, and banked PTO (if any) and no longer work for the company, they are free to hire a store full of new employees or they can sign your paper.

  2. Second option is simple – become ineffective at your duty. Lets say youre a welder? just non stop fail to make the part or put holes through it. “oops hand slipped boss”….grocerer? forgot to scan an item in the belt. this type of action falls outside the category of strike as you have neither stopped nor slowed down. do it alone and youll be fired, do it together and boss will surely take notice.

I strongly encourage every work place to make connections and find out whos in, on your side, and willing to go after whats right.

other ideas? all ears.

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