
My Hair Stylist Has Diabetic Fainting Incident Keeps Working

TLDR: At the bottom. This just happened, I went to get a haircut at one of the big chain haircut places. The girl was checking me in and kept yawning hard and seemed kind of out of it. At first, I thought this might be a heroin or pain pill situation even though this is a fairly nice area and haircut place. There was only one other girl in there, and she was finishing up a haircut, I honestly thought about requesting her, but my politeness gene kicked in so I didn't. This girl zombie walked me to her station, and we began chit chatting. She told me she had passed out earlier that morning while cutting someone else's hair. She said she recently found out she might have type 1 diabetes and her blood sugar was low. She had picked up a new medication for it that morning but…

TLDR: At the bottom.

This just happened, I went to get a haircut at one of the big chain haircut places. The girl was checking me in and kept yawning hard and seemed kind of out of it. At first, I thought this might be a heroin or pain pill situation even though this is a fairly nice area and haircut place.

There was only one other girl in there, and she was finishing up a haircut, I honestly thought about requesting her, but my politeness gene kicked in so I didn't. This girl zombie walked me to her station, and we began chit chatting.

She told me she had passed out earlier that morning while cutting someone else's hair. She said she recently found out she might have type 1 diabetes and her blood sugar was low. She had picked up a new medication for it that morning but hadn't started taking it yet.

I was pretty horrified that she was working, and she kind of shrugged and said they needed her to stay, no one else would come in.

To make this even crazier the other girl finishes up her haircut, the people leave, and she tells the half nodding off girl she's heading out on break to the nearby grocery store. The girl asks her to pick up a candy bar for her, and she agrees.

The wild thing about this is this girl still seemed kind of out of it and how safe was it physically to leave her there by herself? The second crazy thing is I'm a 40 year old male, and this girl was maybe 20 years old. Thankfully for her, I am not a creep at all, but if I was, she could have been attacked or worse, and what could she have done half passing out with low blood sugar?

Not as important to the story, but she gave me the most half ass quick haircut I've ever had. I'm ez-breezy though I only get a 4 on top 2 on the side faded buzz cut, so it's hard to mess up too much. I gave her a good tip. Asked her if she was okay and if she needed anything, she said she was so I left as I didn't want to come off as a weirdo or anything.

TLDR: Hairstylist is basically almost falling asleep on me. Says she passed out earlier at work and had to stay. Fellow hairstyle takes break and leaves her alone with a man twice her age while she's in a vulnerable state.

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