
Manager changed my schedule and availability without asking me, I’m trying to figure out what to say in an email

I was hired at this new job a month ago. For context it is a professional job. I was given full time and upon hiring got to choose my 2 days off, but I had to keep in mind we had mandatory meetings Monday and Friday regardless if it was our days off. Knowing this I chose Wednesday and Thursday as my days off. They asked me to give them availability for the times I am scheduled and I said I was open and could work any time (open or close etc) but they came back and asked what time I prefer so I said 10-6 the mid shift. They said ok and made that my schedule 10-6 Friday through Tuesday with Wednesday and Thursday off. Then last week they said they are changing Mondays mandatory meeting to Wednesday. They let us know this on Friday, only a few days…

I was hired at this new job a month ago. For context it is a professional job. I was given full time and upon hiring got to choose my 2 days off, but I had to keep in mind we had mandatory meetings Monday and Friday regardless if it was our days off. Knowing this I chose Wednesday and Thursday as my days off. They asked me to give them availability for the times I am scheduled and I said I was open and could work any time (open or close etc) but they came back and asked what time I prefer so I said 10-6 the mid shift. They said ok and made that my schedule 10-6 Friday through Tuesday with Wednesday and Thursday off.

Then last week they said they are changing Mondays mandatory meeting to Wednesday. They let us know this on Friday, only a few days before. I emailed my supervisor and scheduler and asked if I could switch my days off because I specifically requested the days I did to not fall on the mandatory meeting days. They initially gave me some pushback insisting it’s a short meeting never more than an hour but I said I don’t care my day off is my day OFF. They agreed and let me change my days off to Monday and Tuesday.

So now today. It is Tuesday, my day off, and I get bombarded with messages from my supervisor saying we don’t have enough people to work closing shifts and that we can’t all be privileged enough to work opening and mid shifts so if we don’t agree to switch they will take hours from us. I didn’t respond because it was my day off and figured I could talk in the office tomorrow about it, and it wasn’t a big deal since I said from the getgo I could do closing.

Well since I didn’t respond they went and changed my schedule. Not only did they switch my shifts starting tomorrow to closing but they took away one of my shifts next week so I am no longer full time and scheduled me on one of my days off.

I can’t do closing tomorrow or Thursday because I had plans made a long time ago I didn’t know I was going to be expected to close and I think it’s a bit rude to change someone’s schedule last minute like that. Changing my next weeks schedule sure but tomorrow? I need a polite and professional but firm way to tell them I can’t do closing until next week because I was under the impression I was working 10-6.

Then the issue of they took one of my shifts away so I am at 32 hours instead of 40. I was hired on as full time and I feel they are retaliating against me for not responding on my day off. No this is not related to their being a holiday next week. I know that January 16th, Monday, is MLK Day. And ironically, I am scheduled to work despite my arranged days off being Monday and Tuesday! They gave me Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday off instead but I still have to go to the mandatory meeting on Wednesday. If they would have asked if I was willing to work the holiday I would have said yes. But the fact that they didn’t ask and just changed my schedule is pissing me off, especially since they lowered my hours.

What do I say here what can I do?

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