
I know my impending termination date… I have zero time to job hunt/ interview.

I am just done. The job I got in the summer lied about a lot, and 60 days was not enough time for me to learn and pass the licensing test. So now I have a March 3 termination. But I have an hour commute for a job that could be work from home, a 30 minute lunch so not really time for an interview, and every second on the phones is micromanaged so they can find a reason to term you sooner. I’m drowning in debt, I have zero savings. Tell me, what is the point of living at this point? I don’t think I can do this anymore.

I am just done. The job I got in the summer lied about a lot, and 60 days was not enough time for me to learn and pass the licensing test. So now I have a March 3 termination.

But I have an hour commute for a job that could be work from home, a 30 minute lunch so not really time for an interview, and every second on the phones is micromanaged so they can find a reason to term you sooner.

I’m drowning in debt, I have zero savings. Tell me, what is the point of living at this point? I don’t think I can do this anymore.

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