
Former Employee Told Me About Pay Raise Too Late.

Hey, everyone! I think it's a long shot, but here it goes. A few months ago shortly before I left my old job for my current job, my then new (I went through three managers in two years, the last I had for a couple of months) manager informed me that I (making $15.00/hr) was actually supposed to have gotten a raise with the rest of the company which would have brought me to $20.00/hr a month or more before our conversation but the manager before him never told me. Full disclosure, I was already in my transition phase into my current job, I believe it was also right before or during the early stages of training my replacement. The manager had apologized for not having moved my pay to $20.00/hr when it was supposed to go up and also for not informing me until I was about to leave…

Hey, everyone! I think it's a long shot, but here it goes.
A few months ago shortly before I left my old job for my current job, my then new (I went through three managers in two years, the last I had for a couple of months) manager informed me that I (making $15.00/hr) was actually supposed to have gotten a raise with the rest of the company which would have brought me to $20.00/hr a month or more before our conversation but the manager before him never told me.

Full disclosure, I was already in my transition phase into my current job, I believe it was also right before or during the early stages of training my replacement. The manager had apologized for not having moved my pay to $20.00/hr when it was supposed to go up and also for not informing me until I was about to leave for a new job. I stayed for another month or more and they never raised my pay rate. I'm in my new job now, have been for a few months.

I've been told I could bring a lawsuit against the company, but I feel like it could be a long shot considering:

1) It's been months since I left and I was already in the process of leaving when the manager told me.

2) They wanted me to possibly stay with the company but I felt the forthcoming new job was a better opportunity.

3) It was supposedly the manager before this manager's fault that I never got the raise (again, before I ever decided to leave the job in August, earlier in the year in like January).

4) I never checked on them paying me the new rate.

Is there any course of action I could take besides leaving it alone? I feel like I'm at least entitled to the money I worked for during the time that the raise went into effect and I didn't officially work there anymore. What do you guys think. Thanks for any and all advice. I appreciate it.

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