
Just venting about my shitty boss

I’ve been dealing with some mental health/personal/financial/family issues and recently have been calling out of work more often than I technically should be. My manager has gotten upset with me about it before, but every time I’ve called out it’s because I’ve been sick, had car issues, or just generally falling apart mentally. I’m not proud of it. I feel like shit every time I do it because I know I should just be sucking it up and going to work like everyone else. And also I know my boss is going to be nasty about it afterwards. She gets pissed off if I don’t tell her in extreme detail about my personal problems. She put me on “probation” the other day- lasting for 90 days. I have to also leave my phone in her office during work hours because apparently I’m on it too much, as wel. But I’m…

I’ve been dealing with some mental health/personal/financial/family issues and recently have been calling out of work more often than I technically should be.

My manager has gotten upset with me about it before, but every time I’ve called out it’s because I’ve been sick, had car issues, or just generally falling apart mentally. I’m not proud of it. I feel like shit every time I do it because I know I should just be sucking it up and going to work like everyone else. And also I know my boss is going to be nasty about it afterwards. She gets pissed off if I don’t tell her in extreme detail about my personal problems.

She put me on “probation” the other day- lasting for 90 days. I have to also leave my phone in her office during work hours because apparently I’m on it too much, as wel. But I’m not going to do that actually- I’m going to put it in my locker and I guess if she has an issue with that she can fire me or whatever, I don’t really care anymore.

I think she is picking on me because I am the easiest target. I’m not the only person who calls out often and leaves early. I’m not the only person who is on their phone while they’re supposed to be working. She plays favorites and everyone there knows it.

I’m so tired. I’m getting another job and when I do I’m out of here. She can take her two-week’s notice and shove it.

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