
Why do you eat the food or accept the gift?

I've been here for a few months following posts that show pictures of the cheap gifts or food that employers give as compensation for all the hard work they have been doing recently. For personal gifts that your boss gives you one on one, those are hard to deny. But gifts or food that is distributed as a team, why doesnt anyone just not eat the food or leave that candy bag on the table? Maybe I'm just an asshole, but if I expected a raise or bonus and instead I got a pizza party, I wouldn't touch the damn thing and convince my close coworkers to abstain. I worked blue collar jobs for years and the people who complain it was BS that we got a cheap lunch catered to us instead of monetary compensation are the same people who get in line and eat it all up.

I've been here for a few months following posts that show pictures of the cheap gifts or food that employers give as compensation for all the hard work they have been doing recently.

For personal gifts that your boss gives you one on one, those are hard to deny. But gifts or food that is distributed as a team, why doesnt anyone just not eat the food or leave that candy bag on the table?

Maybe I'm just an asshole, but if I expected a raise or bonus and instead I got a pizza party, I wouldn't touch the damn thing and convince my close coworkers to abstain.

I worked blue collar jobs for years and the people who complain it was BS that we got a cheap lunch catered to us instead of monetary compensation are the same people who get in line and eat it all up.

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