
Previous employer lied to my private investigator

I've gotten a new job. It's a good job, requires a two step interview process, overall 3 months of background checks before hire, several private investigators are assigned to do a more thorough background check. My main PI called all of my previous employers to ask why I left. He called me back to confront me with the information given by them ro see if I agreed/disagreed with their statement. So he called me yesterday to do this (mind you, I've already been hired and am on day 4 of month long training). A daycare I worked at for four months starting in the beginning of 2022 was the only one with negative commentary. They informed my PI that I was on a “no rehire list” because I'd threatened to “call state to get them in trouble”. First of all, this simply isn't true. I never threatened anyone with anything.…

I've gotten a new job. It's a good job, requires a two step interview process, overall 3 months of background checks before hire, several private investigators are assigned to do a more thorough background check. My main PI called all of my previous employers to ask why I left. He called me back to confront me with the information given by them ro see if I agreed/disagreed with their statement. So he called me yesterday to do this (mind you, I've already been hired and am on day 4 of month long training). A daycare I worked at for four months starting in the beginning of 2022 was the only one with negative commentary. They informed my PI that I was on a “no rehire list” because I'd threatened to “call state to get them in trouble”. First of all, this simply isn't true. I never threatened anyone with anything. Second of all, even if I did, I'm a mandated reporter? I told my PI that I did not agree with their statement. And he said okay and that was it. Can this be used against me? I don't want to lose this job.

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