
I was sent home by a terrible manager.

I've had multiple issues with this manager in the past. Mostly this takes the form of him constantly hassling me and bothering me while I'm in the middle of work. Last night it took this form: He asked me to take a thing of tea up while I was in the middle of rolling burritos. I was a little pissed already and doing that added to it. Then when I returned to the burritos, he tried to force me to go on break. Meanwhile, I had half a thing of burritos I needed to roll. I said “No, leave me alone.” and then he continued to hassle me. I was getting further angry by this so I tried to go to my other managers who were busy up front. I found no help there so I decided to try to clean up my space and do as he said. Then…

I've had multiple issues with this manager in the past. Mostly this takes the form of him constantly hassling me and bothering me while I'm in the middle of work. Last night it took this form: He asked me to take a thing of tea up while I was in the middle of rolling burritos. I was a little pissed already and doing that added to it. Then when I returned to the burritos, he tried to force me to go on break. Meanwhile, I had half a thing of burritos I needed to roll. I said “No, leave me alone.” and then he continued to hassle me. I was getting further angry by this so I tried to go to my other managers who were busy up front. I found no help there so I decided to try to clean up my space and do as he said. Then as I was clocking out for my break, he approaches me again and says “When you come back, you better be calm” or some bullshit, and I told him again to leave me alone, so then he decides to just send me home. Royally fucking over not only me but some poor motherfucker who had to do my tasks later.

Edit: That was last night, I have to clock in soon and I'm afraid that I'm going to be fired.

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