
Horror story tidbits from a pharmacist

(As told to me by a family member who’s a pharmacist at the largest pharmacy chain in the US) -There is one microwave that is shared by ever employee. When store manager was asked about the possibility of another microwave, she rolled her eyes and said “You guys already get to have a lunch break, what more could you want?” -there is a sink where the pharmacy staff must wash their hands. There was no soap near it, and when asked if it could be stocked with soap, store manager said only if there was a soap dispenser next to the sink. There isn’t, and manager refused to order one.

(As told to me by a family member who’s a pharmacist at the largest pharmacy chain in the US)

-There is one microwave that is shared by ever employee. When store manager was asked about the possibility of another microwave, she rolled her eyes and said “You guys already get to have a lunch break, what more could you want?”

-there is a sink where the pharmacy staff must wash their hands. There was no soap near it, and when asked if it could be stocked with soap, store manager said only if there was a soap dispenser next to the sink. There isn’t, and manager refused to order one.

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