
Management over-hired and is now being super weird

I started working at this company 3 months ago and was hired as a mobile tech. There are 5 other techs and only 6 trucks. When I was hired I was told that during the winter there would be times where weather would prevent work and there may be the option to take on other work with the company but it was completely optional. So skip to this December when they notified us they were running low on services to complete so hours would be cut unless we wanted to do other work during this time (again clarifying that it’s super duper optional). I decided to take the break and enjoy the holidays with my family. The day before returning I asked to meet with my manager to make sure my performance was up to expectations and what I could be doing better. My manager opened the meeting by saying…

I started working at this company 3 months ago and was hired as a mobile tech. There are 5 other techs and only 6 trucks. When I was hired I was told that during the winter there would be times where weather would prevent work and there may be the option to take on other work with the company but it was completely optional.

So skip to this December when they notified us they were running low on services to complete so hours would be cut unless we wanted to do other work during this time (again clarifying that it’s super duper optional). I decided to take the break and enjoy the holidays with my family.

The day before returning I asked to meet with my manager to make sure my performance was up to expectations and what I could be doing better. My manager opened the meeting by saying “we’re all asking if you even want to be here.” He listed that my work was slower than the other techs, that I took this time off showing a “lack of initiative” and that I’d already take time off (when I literally had Covid). All this despite the fact I came in trying to improve my performance.

The sketchy part is he said “I don’t know your financial situation but the rest of the techs have been taking every hour they can get”. Which makes me feel like “lack of initiative” is code for “you aren’t desperate enough for this job.”

Anyways I started talking to the other techs and watching their numbers only to find that I’m working faster than some and on par with most of them. They’ve all had these intense talks with management and all feel like they’re utterly failing to meet expectations. Now we’re running out of services every week and trucks have been down so techs have been riding shotgun which I’m sure affects profit margins.

I honestly feel like they over-hired and now they’re trying to get one of us to quit. Whatever the case the entire vibe has turned hostile and my coworkers are bitter or anxious including me. I’ve never been in this position and don’t know wtf to do :(.

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