
I just got a job offer that made me cry…. NO, not in a good way.

I have degree from a 4 year university and 10 years of B2B sales experience. Problem is I have not worked for the last 3 years (except for gig work).. After applying for about 100 jobs and getting 6 interviews I finally got a job offer. For context at my level I should be making around $130k USD (minimum). The offer is for $50k, I was just flabbergasted. I asked how much I could make with bonuses and the total is $75K. I don't know what to do with this, I told the hiring team my salary requirements after the first interview and they said “ok” and moved to the next, after the second interview they said the 50k number and I said that was not enough and they said we would be able to negotiate. After the third interview they came back with a verbal offer of the $50k,…

I have degree from a 4 year university and 10 years of B2B sales experience. Problem is I have not worked for the last 3 years (except for gig work).. After applying for about 100 jobs and getting 6 interviews I finally got a job offer. For context at my level I should be making around $130k USD (minimum). The offer is for $50k, I was just flabbergasted. I asked how much I could make with bonuses and the total is $75K. I don't know what to do with this, I told the hiring team my salary requirements after the first interview and they said “ok” and moved to the next, after the second interview they said the 50k number and I said that was not enough and they said we would be able to negotiate. After the third interview they came back with a verbal offer of the $50k, when I referenced our call they said it was the best they could do. Now, I need the job but I'm going to basically be living paycheck to paycheck while my coworkers make double what I'm making… what do I do? They have yet to send the written offer and it has been 2 hours, should I call back and ask for a higher base even thought they said it's the best? Should I wait for the written offer and try and negotiate or just take it and keep looking for something better?


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