
Stay up until 1:00 am working? Promotion!

So, funny story. Someone in my company recently got promoted amid a lot of people either quitting or getting laid off. To the best of my knowledge, it's the only instance I've seen of someone getting promoted over the past year or two. The person in question is pretty hard working and everyone likes her, but she has told people that she's been staying up until upwards of 1:00 am each night at home to get work done due to an ongoing website upgrade. She has not been ordered to do this; she takes it upon herself, to the best of my knowledge. Now, this is not me saying that this woman in question does not deserve her promotion. She absolutely does. But this highlights a bigger problem in that this is not a healthy standard that the company (or any company) should be holding its employees to in order…

So, funny story. Someone in my company recently got promoted amid a lot of people either quitting or getting laid off. To the best of my knowledge, it's the only instance I've seen of someone getting promoted over the past year or two. The person in question is pretty hard working and everyone likes her, but she has told people that she's been staying up until upwards of 1:00 am each night at home to get work done due to an ongoing website upgrade. She has not been ordered to do this; she takes it upon herself, to the best of my knowledge.

Now, this is not me saying that this woman in question does not deserve her promotion. She absolutely does. But this highlights a bigger problem in that this is not a healthy standard that the company (or any company) should be holding its employees to in order to promote them or give them raises. There are people who've worked here for years who are hard-working and who should've gotten a promotion or raise ages ago but still haven't, but because this woman breaks her back by staying up later each night, she attains the level of recognition that upper management deem worthy of getting advanced in the company?

This seems insane to me. Again, I hold no ill will toward the coworker in question, but this is not a healthy standard for the company to maintain.

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