
25 cent compensation raise to ease the burn of having new hires make more than me

I’ve been with my company for 8 months. I’m the only one who knows how to do my job with my skill set while I have a college degree under my belt. I have asked for help with my tasks by training another so in case of emergencies or vacations, that hasn’t been done and probably won’t occur any time soon). A few months ago they hired fresh faced 18 year olds to do some very basic stuff (they communicate with our clients and dealerships on relaying messages to upper management, essentially messengers for the company). One of them was blabbing about making so much and with no care mentioned their salary. They make $10,000 more than me. This was brought up with management and they decided to give me a raise but didn’t explain much of the details, until today when I claimed that I didn’t see any changes…

I’ve been with my company for 8 months. I’m the only one who knows how to do my job with my skill set while I have a college degree under my belt. I have asked for help with my tasks by training another so in case of emergencies or vacations, that hasn’t been done and probably won’t occur any time soon). A few months ago they hired fresh faced 18 year olds to do some very basic stuff (they communicate with our clients and dealerships on relaying messages to upper management, essentially messengers for the company). One of them was blabbing about making so much and with no care mentioned their salary. They make $10,000 more than me. This was brought up with management and they decided to give me a raise but didn’t explain much of the details, until today when I claimed that I didn’t see any changes to my paycheck. So they managed to reach our external HR team who sent me a letter with no intention to reimburse me for the belated raise (they said I’ll get it this paycheck but now changed it to next paycheck), and the raise itself. 25 cents, that is barely over $500 added to my salary. I’m tempted to walk out because I feel like a joke. Already took the liberty to revise my resume on company time to start applying to new jobs.

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