
Business scheduled an interview then never called

Applied for a job at a doggie daycare and got an email back from them saying they loved my resume and asked if I could do a phone interview the next day at 11am. I said yes that works and they replied great, talk to you tomorrow. I spend the rest of the night and next morning getting ready for the interview and putting of all the stuff I had planned on doing. Then 11 comes and goes and I don't hear from them, I think maybe they're busy and will call soon enough. 45 minutes goes by and I haven't heard from them so I send an email asking if we were still doing the interview that day. 2 more hours goes by and still nothing so I email again. It has now been 3 days and not a single word from them. Really pisses me off because I…

Applied for a job at a doggie daycare and got an email back from them saying they loved my resume and asked if I could do a phone interview the next day at 11am. I said yes that works and they replied great, talk to you tomorrow. I spend the rest of the night and next morning getting ready for the interview and putting of all the stuff I had planned on doing. Then 11 comes and goes and I don't hear from them, I think maybe they're busy and will call soon enough. 45 minutes goes by and I haven't heard from them so I send an email asking if we were still doing the interview that day. 2 more hours goes by and still nothing so I email again. It has now been 3 days and not a single word from them. Really pisses me off because I thought this job would be perfect for me and fit my schedule super well. Plus I've been looking for a job a long time now and have no idea how I'm going to be able to pay rent this month. So my time is very precious and I can't just waste half my day waiting for an interview that isn't gonna happen. All they had to do was notify it wasn't gonna happen so I could get on with my day and do the shit I need to do. Hate that companies just waste people's time like this and give 0 fucks about it, especially when they scheduled the damn interview.

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