
Boss trying to force me to work nights despite having JME

This is gonna be a long one: Moved to WA, got a job in Security at a sensitive location (Basically a Chemical Plant). Was making 21 an hour, then they sent me all the way down to 17 (Because every year the plant goes through a massive maintenance period for a few weeks once a year) I was never notified of this and there was nothing claiming this would happen upon being hired. I thought “okay thats scummy, I have 5 years of experience doing this and work at a sensitive location, and never was informed this would happen, but whatever I got bills to pay” and lived with it. But it just gets worse. The working environment is extremely toxic, lots of drama, missed paychecks (mine and others) (even my first paycheck was delayed by 3 weeks), terrible management, etc. (Out of my 5 years of being in the…

This is gonna be a long one: Moved to WA, got a job in Security at a sensitive location (Basically a Chemical Plant). Was making 21 an hour, then they sent me all the way down to 17 (Because every year the plant goes through a massive maintenance period for a few weeks once a year) I was never notified of this and there was nothing claiming this would happen upon being hired. I thought “okay thats scummy, I have 5 years of experience doing this and work at a sensitive location, and never was informed this would happen, but whatever I got bills to pay” and lived with it. But it just gets worse. The working environment is extremely toxic, lots of drama, missed paychecks (mine and others) (even my first paycheck was delayed by 3 weeks), terrible management, etc. (Out of my 5 years of being in the Security field I have NEVER experienced something like this.) I've had my boss text me about employees saying “don't say this” or “don't listen to that coworker” out of the blue. And now to top it all off again, they're trying to move everything to a “DuPont” schedule (where you basically do 12 hour shifts, work day shift one week then night shift the next week). Everyone has agreed that they will walk out if this schedule is put in place, because there's literally no reason for it. And now here are, getting a little closer to transferring to that point, here's where the JME stuff comes in. I was scheduled for day shift and swing shift which is fine and what I was usually working (two 12 hour day shifts, two 8 hour swing shifts). I'm on schedule to work this weekend, 12 hour day shift, but then Monday through Friday she wants me working full grave yard. I told her I can't due to JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. I can live and work just fine as long as I don't fuck with my sleep and keep taking my medications). I don't have health insurance. But it got to a point where I started blacking out/having a siezure after the Myoclonic jerks. I've fallen on my face. I've fallen on my back. Even had the EMS called for me once. Decided I can't ignore this anymore, I know what I have I just need the medication. So I went to the ER and got prescribed Keppra. Been working great. I've talked to doctors and called with a Nuerologist and they all agree and obvious I have JME. Have my first actual in-person Nuerologist in February. I tried explaining everything to her and why I can't work night-shift and she's basically saying “come in or I'll fire you for no call no show”. I don't want to risk trying to push through a night-shift and having a siezure, possibly killing myself or someone else (For my job we use a company vehicle). I also never agreed to work nights to begin with. Additionally, I informed her of my condition awhile ago, even had to leave work once for ~30 minutes to pick up my medication.

Sorry for the long read. Anyways, what should I do here?

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