
Using testimonials of my work at a company for when I move to freelancing.

I have all the equipment to do my same job, but paid more with less manual labor and getting paid more (3 hours on my own would be 11.5 hours with them). Now the dilemma- as someone who is new to any sort of free lance I don’t have many testimonials since slowly starting to freelance. I have 14 testimonials that include my name but not the company I worked for in it from when I was fulltime. Am I allowed to use these testimonials? Can they take any legal action again me for using them? I am not trying to get unemployment but they are keeping me in a grey space saying that I am not employed by them but they will call me as needed & I was never terminated. I haven’t worked in almost 3 months. They already know that I am going to start free lancing…

I have all the equipment to do my same job, but paid more with less manual labor and getting paid more (3 hours on my own would be 11.5 hours with them). Now the dilemma- as someone who is new to any sort of free lance I don’t have many testimonials since slowly starting to freelance. I have 14 testimonials that include my name but not the company I worked for in it from when I was fulltime. Am I allowed to use these testimonials? Can they take any legal action again me for using them?

I am not trying to get unemployment but they are keeping me in a grey space saying that I am not employed by them but they will call me as needed & I was never terminated. I haven’t worked in almost 3 months. They already know that I am going to start free lancing (in a relatively close proximity so I would be direct competition but I’m doing it on such a small scale without the desire to grow, it would be the difference of >$100 if I get their clients).

I love what I was doing and want to keep doing it while getting some pocket money out of it.

Any input? Can I use these testimonials to start growing as a free lancer?

ETA- I don’t even know if this is the right sub to post this in, it’s just one of the very few work related ones I follow and seemed the best fit out of them. If there’s a better sub to post this in please direct me that way!

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