
Cant people see that most rich people dont really work at all? Most of them are not hard or smart but lazy and stupid

Elon Musk spends like half his time on social media – when does he work? Landlords just collect money from the dozens or hundreds of people that live in their apartmens – when do they work? All the rich people allways attending some concerts – galas – dinners – speeches – when do they work? Not to mention their vacations or cruises or “business meetings/travels”…. Most rich people are actually lazy and dont work much at all – most of them are also really stupid. Most of the time they succeed only because they throw money at the problem/pay competent people to do the work for them – have unbelievable luck – and because they started allready from a decent level of wealth. Without the connections of his parents – Bill Gates would never have made it. Without the 300 000 Dollars from his parents (something like 600 000 in…

Elon Musk spends like half his time on social media – when does he work?

Landlords just collect money from the dozens or hundreds of people that live in their apartmens – when do they work?

All the rich people allways attending some concerts – galas – dinners – speeches – when do they work?

Not to mention their vacations or cruises or “business meetings/travels”….

Most rich people are actually lazy and dont work much at all – most of them are also really stupid. Most of the time they succeed only because they throw money at the problem/pay competent people to do the work for them – have unbelievable luck – and because they started allready from a decent level of wealth.

Without the connections of his parents – Bill Gates would never have made it.

Without the 300 000 Dollars from his parents (something like 600 000 in todays money) Bezos would have never made it.

Someone that gets the connections of their allready wealthy parents and has a safety net that can absorb several failures will most likely suceed.

Whereas a genious with no resources behind him – that cannot stomach even one failure – will most likely fail.

Yet still so many people buy into the myth of the “120 hours per week working Millionarie/Billionaire” its baffling.

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