
Don’t give your mobile number to employers: Don’t let them track or spam you

I'm seeing several employers buy or gather mobile phone locations and advertisement data. Also, it allows them to text you links to documents, like new employee handbooks with trick changes, hoping you'll simply click the link to accept. Make them call you at a land line or through a 3rd party service not tied to your phone. It becomes much more effective to manage your time when you can simply say “I don't have texting; call me at my house and leave a message.” Keep your mobile number and email away from employers in any way possible.

I'm seeing several employers buy or gather mobile phone locations and advertisement data. Also, it allows them to text you links to documents, like new employee handbooks with trick changes, hoping you'll simply click the link to accept.

Make them call you at a land line or through a 3rd party service not tied to your phone. It becomes much more effective to manage your time when you can simply say “I don't have texting; call me at my house and leave a message.”

Keep your mobile number and email away from employers in any way possible.

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