
Does anyone get tired of people comparing how we live now to the past?

TW suicide Anytime someone says the way we live isn't natural and fucked up, there's always someone saying “it was worse in the past, humans have always worked, there has always been slaves, etc.” Like I wasn't even trying to make a comparison. I'm aware fucked up things and unnatural things have always occurred, that doesn't make the way we live and how MUCH we work any more justified. There isn't any getting around the fact were not meant to sit in a box all day doing forced labor just so we won't stave and die and putting work before absolutely everything while not being payed a liveable wage. People will do absolutely anything to justify this, and I'm so tired of it. Like yes I am grateful I don't have it worse, but I also want to kill myself because of how we live. Why are you using one…

TW suicide

Anytime someone says the way we live isn't natural and fucked up, there's always someone saying “it was worse in the past, humans have always worked, there has always been slaves, etc.” Like I wasn't even trying to make a comparison. I'm aware fucked up things and unnatural things have always occurred, that doesn't make the way we live and how MUCH we work any more justified. There isn't any getting around the fact were not meant to sit in a box all day doing forced labor just so we won't stave and die and putting work before absolutely everything while not being payed a liveable wage. People will do absolutely anything to justify this, and I'm so tired of it. Like yes I am grateful I don't have it worse, but I also want to kill myself because of how we live. Why are you using one to justify the other. Also, hunting and avoiding danger is entirely different then working for 50 years and hardly getting any time off and being drained of all your energy.

Sometimes I feel like humanity would be better off in separate tribes, in a community, which yes you do work, but I doubt anyone would kill themselves because of it, like people want to kill themselves now because of their 9-5 job. My job literally MADE me suicidal, and there are many others who feel the same way.

Which by the way, those said tribes have existed in the past many times. Humans are perfectly capable of living in harmony, without putting people on a scale with rich people at the top. They're just not capable when there's so many people, 8 billion like we have today. At that point people start becoming fucking greedy and something weird happens. It seems observable humans can only be in harmony in very small groups which is weird.

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