
just told to “shut up” by my boss after he made a mistake.

I'm so fucking sick and tired of the abuse!!! For context, I've been houseless and doing my best to actually work every night. I worked third shifts so it was beneficial for me since I'll be out of the cold while I wait for my vehicle to get fixed. Anyways I was scheduled for tonight and didn't think much of it, I actually spent most of my day in stealth mode sleeping in upstairs and not even showing a peep of myself since the library opened later and closed earlier today and I wanted to save money for Lyfts and just decided to stay put until my shift started. Nobody bothered me and I was able to get some half decent sleep. Once it's about 10 PM, I start getting myself ready and making my way to the timeclock to punch-in and start working, the machine even let's me make…

I'm so fucking sick and tired of the abuse!!!

For context, I've been houseless and doing my best to actually work every night. I worked third shifts so it was beneficial for me since I'll be out of the cold while I wait for my vehicle to get fixed.

Anyways I was scheduled for tonight and didn't think much of it, I actually spent most of my day in stealth mode sleeping in upstairs and not even showing a peep of myself since the library opened later and closed earlier today and I wanted to save money for Lyfts and just decided to stay put until my shift started. Nobody bothered me and I was able to get some half decent sleep.

Once it's about 10 PM, I start getting myself ready and making my way to the timeclock to punch-in and start working, the machine even let's me make the punch and tells me I'm scheduled for the night.

But once I get down to the floor this co-worker (who kinda has it out for me and the other poor workers there) told me that I wasn't scheduled for the night. It confused me because I had even triple checked the schedules to make SURE I was on. Regardless he told me that I wasn't working tonight.

Being pretty upset I slip-up and try to just relax and head back to my spot upstairs until I figure out where to sleep (should've just gotten out of there). I ended up being discovered this time and the coworker that hates poor people insisted on snitching and escorting me out even though I was already there for a majority of the day without being bothered.

Obviously pretty upset by this, I mention the fact that it wasn't an issue during the day and I didn't even plan on not working tonight because if I had known they made a mistake on my schedule, I would've definitely been somewhere else.

Even more frustrating is that I had texted one of the managers about this and they admittedly informed me that THEY had made a mistake on my schedule and I was so close to not being bothered if they only just let me work. I really hadn't anticipated not having a place to sleep for the night

Eventually on my little “escort” out the dude gets a call from my boss and tells him to hand me the phone. I explain the situation and that the only reason why it happened was that I expected to work tonight and was even confirmed by the timeclock machine.

Most of the conversation was just him not listening to me and telling me that it must've been my fault that his managers to made a mistake.

He eventually told me to “do me a favor and just shut up and hand the phone back to Rudy.”

To which I completely lost it so much that the coworker had to take the phone away from me.

Now I'm back on the streets.

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