
Here is How Corporations View You

Maybe some hard truths. I will only talk to my own experience, which is big corporate. People are often the largest cost, or at least a major one. Broadly speaking, people are either a cost or a producer. If you are cost, you are just part of the cost of doing business. Your pay will be repressed as much as possible and your output extraction maximised. You are disposable and ultimately have no value. Brad is a floor worker at a big box store. He’s great at his job and well liked by all. He serves customers with a smile and often drives extra sales. Everyone like Brad and he’s never taken a sick day. Brad is a cost and ultimately has no value to the corporation. To be used and abused as needs be. Then there are producers, people who make money either directly through sales activities or some…

Maybe some hard truths. I will only talk to my own experience, which is big corporate.

People are often the largest cost, or at least a major one.

Broadly speaking, people are either a cost or a producer. If you are cost, you are just part of the cost of doing business. Your pay will be repressed as much as possible and your output extraction maximised. You are disposable and ultimately have no value.

Brad is a floor worker at a big box store. He’s great at his job and well liked by all. He serves customers with a smile and often drives extra sales. Everyone like Brad and he’s never taken a sick day.

Brad is a cost and ultimately has no value to the corporation. To be used and abused as needs be.

Then there are producers, people who make money either directly through sales activities or some directly correlated with revenue role such as marketing or analytics.

Often their pay has a large bonus/commission element.

These people are valued and will be looked after, within reason. If they ever fail in their revenue targets, they become even less valuable than Brad.

Anne is a manipulative sociopath, so of course she is a great sales person. She does big deals and earns lots of money.

The corporation values Anne. Until it doesn’t of course but 10,000 Brads go in the trash grinder before Anne’s name is even thought of.

So which are you, an Anne or a Brad?

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