
Advice needed – How to politely decline additional work, that is not related to my profession

TL;DR Our CEO sent me, my superior and his boss and email stating that we missed a few oportunities for additional projects due to neglecting to search for open project proposals. He said we need sometone to keep an eye out for these opportunities and suggested me, but this is not my field of expertise. Our CEO takes everything very personal and can hold a grudge for a very long time. How can i refuse politely? Hi guys, I'm in need of your advice! A short description. I work in a small organzitation with a little more than 30 employees. I'm stationed in EU. We work in an environmental sector.. I have a Masters in nature sciences and work strictly on conservation related projects and I like my work. My workload is currently full and it's hard to add additional projects and asignements as it is. As we have no…

TL;DR Our CEO sent me, my superior and his boss and email stating that we missed a few oportunities for additional projects due to neglecting to search for open project proposals. He said we need sometone to keep an eye out for these opportunities and suggested me, but this is not my field of expertise. Our CEO takes everything very personal and can hold a grudge for a very long time. How can i refuse politely?

Hi guys,
I'm in need of your advice!

A short description. I work in a small organzitation with a little more than 30 employees. I'm stationed in EU. We work in an environmental sector.. I have a Masters in nature sciences and work strictly on conservation related projects and I like my work. My workload is currently full and it's hard to add additional projects and asignements as it is.

As we have no official project management team, the project related funding oportunities lie solely on each individual and his ideas. For instance, if I have an idea for a project work, I have to find funding on my own, write a proposal and then manage the project if we succeed. It's seems like a total chaos, but it worked until now.

Today, I received an email from our CEO, which included me, my boss and his superior. The email stated that some infromation in regards to some key projects have gone over our radar and we missed the oportunities for a very important subject in relation ot our work. He then started to explain how (obviously) he doesn't have the time and how someone would have to keep track of the upcoming opportunies, further suggesting me. The superior (who is trying very hard to rid himself of any additional work) then chimmed in how he agrees and added a few more suggestion on what the work should include. The work is strictly burocratic and I have no experience with it whatsoever. I also do not wish to neglect my professional work to which I am fully devoted, due to the management not being able to provide additional person for the job.

I really like my current job and I don't want to leave. I just don't want to deal with additional burocratic issues that require a whole new person in our team. Our CEO takes everything very personal and can hold a grudge for a very long time. How can I refuse the offer without sounding bitchy or lazy?

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