
Should I walk out on my job of 3 years?

I'm 25m and I've been super stressed at work lately. I work at a particular delivery company as a manager. It's never been the best job at all from when I was a driver but I get paid well due to my work ethic if being able to deliver stops like crazy. The issue lies in that the other 3 managers that are my equals make me do all their work. I end up doing all the paperwork, I do double if not triple their route every day, I do vehicle maintenance and I also am expected to help by the owners to help struggling drivers afterwards. The other managers usually do small fixes or just talk and go home by 11:00AM. We start at 7:30AM. I have been working 60 hour weeks and I don't get a cent after my 40 hours. (I'm technically salary) I have brought it…

I'm 25m and I've been super stressed at work lately. I work at a particular delivery company as a manager. It's never been the best job at all from when I was a driver but I get paid well due to my work ethic if being able to deliver stops like crazy.

The issue lies in that the other 3 managers that are my equals make me do all their work. I end up doing all the paperwork, I do double if not triple their route every day, I do vehicle maintenance and I also am expected to help by the owners to help struggling drivers afterwards.

The other managers usually do small fixes or just talk and go home by 11:00AM. We start at 7:30AM. I have been working 60 hour weeks and I don't get a cent after my 40 hours. (I'm technically salary) I have brought it up to the owners that I'm overworked and overwhelmed and they don't do anything about it. They will just have empty words like “you're our best worker and we can't lose you. So we need to set up a meeting about this now;” then that meeting never happens. I know it's because they want me to do all of it.

HR is also not an option since the only representative in HR is the lead Manager's girlfriend of 5 years and she always takes his side. How's that for a conflict of interest? Myself as well as the drivers hate this because we feel we can't even speak to HR.

Another issue I have which straight up might be illegal is that, for a while there. They were making us managers spend our own money for the fleet's gas. They would reimburse us of course through PayPal but I personally had spend $600.00 before and had to wait 3 days to see that money back. That's a huge red flag to me and they've asked me to do so a lot since and I've refused. It's super shady.

For my final issue, I recently got hurt while deleries and had to go to urgent care. I ended up with a sprained neck and shoulder as well as some strains on my back and ribs. I couldn't really drive or do anything I had been doing before so I was basically at work to answer questions or to grab an iPad or battery or something. They said I would have the same pay but when I've been paid it's only 1/3 of my check. I've brought this up to workman's comp but unfortunately my agent has been on vacation and isn't back for a while so it's been silence on that end. So for the past 2 weeks I have been paid not enough for me to live off of and that's stressful as well.

I was just released yesterday from the doctor but I immediately came in today to again, triple the other routes the managers are taking. 2 of which are just doing small maintenance and going home and I can't take it anymore. I want to walk out on them so bad. I feel like I've exhausted every resource I have and I just feel defeated. I don't sleep anymore because I have such bad back pain. It affects my relationship and my mental health as well. I feel like I don't have time to breathe.

If I walk out today. I believe I have a good reference in someone still as well as about 4 other contractors or companies that will take me in a heartbeat so I don't think I would be unemployed for long. I just can't stand to work here for more than a second longer. Should I walk out?

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