
The sad truth I found out about getting hired if you’re a woman.

In my experience of getting hired multiple times throughout my working years of 10+ years (am early 30's) something I've learned is (and this is a BIG reason I'm antiwork) basically to be hot if you're a woman. I'm NOT trying to brag by the way. I'm also not trying to be sexist. Believe me, it's sickening that so many hiring managers are like this but unfortunately bills have to be paid. I won't get into detail of measurements. Let's just say I'm slim and look younger than my age and leave it at that. EVERY single time I've gotten hired after an interview, it was by a man, especially older. My grades in college weren't the best. I was mainly a C student and graduated with a 2.5. I have some experience in my field (accounting/finance) but not nearly as much as my past work colleagues or past classmates.…

In my experience of getting hired multiple times throughout my working years of 10+ years (am early 30's) something I've learned is (and this is a BIG reason I'm antiwork) basically to be hot if you're a woman. I'm NOT trying to brag by the way. I'm also not trying to be sexist. Believe me, it's sickening that so many hiring managers are like this but unfortunately bills have to be paid. I won't get into detail of measurements. Let's just say I'm slim and look younger than my age and leave it at that. EVERY single time I've gotten hired after an interview, it was by a man, especially older.

My grades in college weren't the best. I was mainly a C student and graduated with a 2.5. I have some experience in my field (accounting/finance) but not nearly as much as my past work colleagues or past classmates. Some of the places I quit working for because I found another job with better pay. Others, I quit because I ended up moving to another city/state, or I got injured for a period of time, etc. Different reasons. I NEVER flirted with any of my male work colleagues nor male hiring managers, etc. I kept it fully professional and if they kept looking at me I would continue focusing on the tasks at hand while internally rolling my eyes. If they tried striking up conversations I would do the bare minimum of engagements (i.e. “uh-huh” “oh cool”) or say that I had to go or that I'm busy and can't talk.

I moved to another state again and this location is where I decided to stick with in the long-term. That and my boyfriend (who I met in this state) has a great career secured in this area as well so I'm taking him into consideration. I like the location and we're currently looking at houses while I'm applying for a new job. I've started applying for jobs less than a month ago and already have gotten lots of interview requests from hiring managers (all of them are male).

I use LinkedIn and have a professional photo with professional clothes on so it's not like I'm wearing anything revealing. Plus its not even a full body picture. Still, I'm getting lots of interview requests and one may think I'm lucky but internally I want to vomit. This is so sad and depressing. I've cried multiple times. I feel even worse for my best friend. She went to college too, better grades, and has been struggling to find a job. The difference between me and her is she's very overweight and a single mom. I'm childfree and don't have kids so she needs the money way more than I do. I plan to put in a good word for her once I get hired and start working again. I hope that will help.

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