
Human Resources is a vestige of a failed system

Human Resources job is to crush workers, depress wages, stifle and extinguish any worker lead moments, being an arm of the corrupt exploitative owner class, always siding with management never the worker to protect the company. Often incompetence, malice, and ineffectual to be best described. Putting nice PR packaging on an exploitative system, designed to benefit the rich and not the commoner. It’s difficult for HR to understand reality and workers, when their salary depends on them not understanding or caring.

Human Resources job is to crush workers, depress wages, stifle and extinguish any worker lead moments, being an arm of the corrupt exploitative owner class, always siding with management never the worker to protect the company. Often incompetence, malice, and ineffectual to be best described. Putting nice PR packaging on an exploitative system, designed to benefit the rich and not the commoner. It’s difficult for HR to understand reality and workers, when their salary depends on them not understanding or caring.

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