
The only place Hard Work actually matters

I realized that hard work doesn’t really matter so much at many of the jobs I worked, maybe even all when I think about it. I’ve been the hardest worker at some of my jobs, but that didn’t mean I was the most respected or highest paid person in the building; it just meant I was the most foolish to think that I would make more money the more I worked. In actuality, the only place hard work matters in one’s house or personal life. If you work hard to improve yourself or your home, it will show, sometimes immediately. Spending extra time out of your day to keep your house clean or reading a book will do wonders for either your home or yourself. I think it’s ok to slave for something that personally benefits you and can give you happiness. I’ve worked jobs where the most I get…

I realized that hard work doesn’t really matter so much at many of the jobs I worked, maybe even all when I think about it. I’ve been the hardest worker at some of my jobs, but that didn’t mean I was the most respected or highest paid person in the building; it just meant I was the most foolish to think that I would make more money the more I worked.

In actuality, the only place hard work matters in one’s house or personal life. If you work hard to improve yourself or your home, it will show, sometimes immediately. Spending extra time out of your day to keep your house clean or reading a book will do wonders for either your home or yourself. I think it’s ok to slave for something that personally benefits you and can give you happiness.

I’ve worked jobs where the most I get is a metaphorical pat on the back while I saw a manager get promoted for the work I did, and then have the audacity to reprimand me when I was burnt out for not doing enough working 60 hours a week. On the other hand, I made my yard look amazing when I cleaned out the backyard and planted some flowers; enough to get praise from my neighbors and enjoy my backyard every morning when I drink my coffee.

Hard Work is really only worth it when your invest it in yourself and the things which you love and care for.

EDIT – I don’t really care what my neighbors think about my yard but the fact that they took notice to something that really doesn’t not benefit them made me feel amazing after not getting praise for doing work that actually made others’ job easier.

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