
It should be unlawful for a company to retaliate against you for working a second job, even if it’s for a competitor.

A few things, if your second job causes you to underperform at your primary job, i can understand penalizing you for poor performance. Or if you fail to notify your employers of the work schedule so you end up not showing up when scheduled. But to penalize someone solely for working a second job is cruel, especially if your first job doesn’t make enough to live off of. It’s like a giant fuck you and a good way to keep people from being unable to get out of poverty.

A few things, if your second job causes you to underperform at your primary job, i can understand penalizing you for poor performance. Or if you fail to notify your employers of the work schedule so you end up not showing up when scheduled. But to penalize someone solely for working a second job is cruel, especially if your first job doesn’t make enough to live off of. It’s like a giant fuck you and a good way to keep people from being unable to get out of poverty.

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