
My labor is worth the price of 3 dozen eggs per hour.

I work(ed) in the billing dept of one the the largest retail chains in the United States and they amass a workforce of 2.2 million people. Today, I came to a new realization and it is the title of the post. After getting paid and giving my own employers money back to them via groceries, I have simply had enough. After almost a year, I am done billing people for my companies screw ups. Done with a system “mysteriously” charging people with ghost orders from both peoples debit cards and Foodstamps. My company may as well be subsidized by the US govt through public benefits alone. They fuck the poor over with their “always low prices” It's sick. And I'm done. 15$/hr isn't worth it. The wfh is nice but I can barley pay my bills as is. Much less move ahead in life. I don't know what is ahead…

I work(ed) in the billing dept of one the the largest retail chains in the United States and they amass a workforce of 2.2 million people.

Today, I came to a new realization and it is the title of the post. After getting paid and giving my own employers money back to them via groceries, I have simply had enough.

After almost a year, I am done billing people for my companies screw ups. Done with a system “mysteriously” charging people with ghost orders from both peoples debit cards and Foodstamps. My company may as well be subsidized by the US govt through public benefits alone. They fuck the poor over with their “always low prices”

It's sick. And I'm done.

15$/hr isn't worth it. The wfh is nice but I can barley pay my bills as is. Much less move ahead in life.

I don't know what is ahead for me. I have other work lined up and I have diverse skills. What I do know is that my time and labor are worth more than 36 fucking eggs.

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