
AI could never replace CEOs

AI: “It does not make logical sense to lay of Bob. His wife is expecting, his kid is terminally ill, and he needs his $30,000 salary. The CEO doesn't need more money, he has all his needs/wants/desires taken care of on $100 million salary + more in stock bonuses. Laying off Bob would only increase CEO annual bonus less than $2,000, which is statistically insignificant to someone who already has 3 vacation homes, a private jet, a car collection, and many boats.” Human CEO: “wait I can make Q2 numbers look better and increase my bonus for laying off people? Absolutely! They should have worked harder and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps like me. Sorry Bob, due to unexpected rising supplier costs, we have to eliminate your position. Oh, yeah, AI you're fired also.” See? If AI is developed with any sense of conscience, it could never replace a…

AI: “It does not make logical sense to lay of Bob. His wife is expecting, his kid is terminally ill, and he needs his $30,000 salary.

The CEO doesn't need more money, he has all his needs/wants/desires taken care of on $100 million salary + more in stock bonuses. Laying off Bob would only increase CEO annual bonus less than $2,000, which is statistically insignificant to someone who already has 3 vacation homes, a private jet, a car collection, and many boats.”

Human CEO: “wait I can make Q2 numbers look better and increase my bonus for laying off people? Absolutely! They should have worked harder and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps like me. Sorry Bob, due to unexpected rising supplier costs, we have to eliminate your position.

Oh, yeah, AI you're fired also.”

See? If AI is developed with any sense of conscience, it could never replace a CEO.

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