
Got fired for not fitting in

There's a lot of detail but I'll keep it short. I'm a bartender and worked hard. Did all the things with only one mistake the whole time (9oz wine pour instead of 6). The place is so packed all the time you don't really have to use social skills with the customers. At the end of every shift there's a good hour where all the bartenders socialize and I didn't really participate because I wasn't interested in being friends with them. Mainly because they were all alcoholics, were drunk every shift, were all about 5 years older than me and party people that were too cool. I don't drink like that maybe once a week usually a couple times a month and I'm a little nerdy but i have a lot of passion in mixology and creating good drinks in a timely manor. The other bar tenders talked shit to…

There's a lot of detail but I'll keep it short. I'm a bartender and worked hard. Did all the things with only one mistake the whole time (9oz wine pour instead of 6). The place is so packed all the time you don't really have to use social skills with the customers. At the end of every shift there's a good hour where all the bartenders socialize and I didn't really participate because I wasn't interested in being friends with them. Mainly because they were all alcoholics, were drunk every shift, were all about 5 years older than me and party people that were too cool. I don't drink like that maybe once a week usually a couple times a month and I'm a little nerdy but i have a lot of passion in mixology and creating good drinks in a timely manor. The other bar tenders talked shit to the boss who ran the place remotely and i got demoted to busser. That was fine ig cause the pay was about the same. A couple months went by and i made a spongebob reference when one of them went off about hating young people (I'm 25) and I got taken off the schedule and replaced.
Tldr; didn't fit in, tried to keep my head down and just work but my coworkers targeted me and lied to my boss to get me fired

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