
Resident Director evaluations of my RA work

Anyone else here have a boss that made you dread performance evaluations? When I was an RA at my undergrad institution, we had like four per year from the RD, one from the residents, and one from your fellow staff members. It was torturous. My RD was a hardass and would blow up minor missteps to look like major infractions. I haven’t been an RA for almost five years now, but still have some PTSD from the scrutiny. Can anyone else relate? ️

Anyone else here have a boss that made you dread performance evaluations? When I was an RA at my undergrad institution, we had like four per year from the RD, one from the residents, and one from your fellow staff members. It was torturous. My RD was a hardass and would blow up minor missteps to look like major infractions. I haven’t been an RA for almost five years now, but still have some PTSD from the scrutiny. Can anyone else relate? ️

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