
Just got a write-up for leaving 30 minutes early to catch the bus

I use the bus to get everywhere, I don't own or want to own a car. The bus usually runs until 10:30 pm, I usually get out of work at 10 and it takes me 10 minutes to walk to the bus stop, so I'm usually fine. Last Sunday, possibly due to the holiday, the bus was running early, and the last one would be running at 10 pm, so I informed my shift lead and my coworker that I would be leaving early. Come today, I'm called into the office and the manager does the usual shit, asking me why I took off early, asking me to sign a write-up. It took all of my strength not to tell them to fuck off and walk out the door. I'm literally getting fucking writeups for being dependent on public infrastructure because I'm poor, which considering they only pay 17 an…

I use the bus to get everywhere, I don't own or want to own a car. The bus usually runs until 10:30 pm, I usually get out of work at 10 and it takes me 10 minutes to walk to the bus stop, so I'm usually fine.

Last Sunday, possibly due to the holiday, the bus was running early, and the last one would be running at 10 pm, so I informed my shift lead and my coworker that I would be leaving early.

Come today, I'm called into the office and the manager does the usual shit, asking me why I took off early, asking me to sign a write-up. It took all of my strength not to tell them to fuck off and walk out the door. I'm literally getting fucking writeups for being dependent on public infrastructure because I'm poor, which considering they only pay 17 an hour is largely their fucking fault.

The funniest part is that I missed the bus anyways and had to get an Uber, which took a sizable chunk out of my budget.

I'm just so fucking frustrated right now. It's so fucking dehumanizing the way these people treat their workers, as if we're just scum that need to be corralled into our workspace. Meanwhile they sit around and chat while the rest of us try to keep up with the workload due to us being understaffed because of the stupid fucking managers inability to do their fucking job.

I'm just so fucking tired of this shit, I'm tired of answering to 40 year olds who haven't walked a mile in years, make double my pay, and think they're a god. Every single fucking job has managers like this. Every. Single. One.

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