
Some ways we can protest current living conditions pick one and or add on

more mass shoplifting call out of work more frequently show up to work late purposefully stop working stop it fuck those quotas it all goes back to the same companies enslaving u and ur basically working to eat scrambled eggs and rice if u can’t quit please go to work and hide in the bathroom walk in circles take cig breaks even if u don’t smoke cig go get candy ones or something always say ur busy with something I’ll talk to u in a second when coworkers try to talk to milk ur check and always keep ur resume open and updated on indeed bc it’s time to play ring around the fcking rosies just STOP working u are a SLAVE fight against it. buy the least amount of shit u possibly can pls stop being afraid of getting fired companies don’t want to pay for severance it takes…

  • more mass shoplifting

  • call out of work more frequently

  • show up to work late purposefully

  • stop working stop it fuck those quotas it all goes back to the same companies enslaving u and ur basically working to eat scrambled eggs and rice if u can’t quit please go to work and hide in the bathroom walk in circles take cig breaks even if u don’t smoke cig go get candy ones or something always say ur busy with something I’ll talk to u in a second when coworkers try to talk to milk ur check and always keep ur resume open and updated on indeed bc it’s time to play ring around the fcking rosies just STOP working u are a SLAVE fight against it.

  • buy the least amount of shit u possibly can

  • pls stop being afraid of getting fired companies don’t want to pay for severance it takes a lot to get fired and if u do just accept the unemployment . Keep jobs juggled keep ur leverages high

If these ideas don’t suit u I encourage u to please recommend some alternatives for the people bc it’s time to reclaim our one and only lives

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