
Fired after working only two days lol

So I accepted a position 2 weeks ago and had my first day on Monday. I had two interviews where I explained both times I had zero experience so they were completely aware of what they were getting themselves into and went ahead and hired me. On my first day, they were very welcoming, I even had lunch with my boss and everything was going great. Got set up to train with a current employee who's been working there for a bit. The second day comes around, I have a meeting with the HR coordinator who is in charge of training. They put me in a room for 5 hours to listen to several training videos and take a test which is about 30 questions and a 15-minute timer, anyway I get a 79% on that but I guess that's considered a failing score. So they said it's fine and…

So I accepted a position 2 weeks ago and had my first day on Monday. I had two interviews where I explained both times I had zero experience so they were completely aware of what they were getting themselves into and went ahead and hired me.

On my first day, they were very welcoming, I even had lunch with my boss and everything was going great. Got set up to train with a current employee who's been working there for a bit.

The second day comes around, I have a meeting with the HR coordinator who is in charge of training. They put me in a room for 5 hours to listen to several training videos and take a test which is about 30 questions and a 15-minute timer, anyway I get a 79% on that but I guess that's considered a failing score. So they said it's fine and I could retake it (today – which never happened because I was fired) .

Anyway today I get up and start driving to work only to get a phone call from some guy a few hundred miles away telling me my employment has been terminated and that they don't want me showing up again. I asked for a reason and was told it was because of “Improper work area procedure”.

Now at this point, I'm very confused because I was getting trained with another employee the entire time I was in the “work area” who never mentioned anything about how I was doing something against a procedure, nobody around me said I was doing anything wrong either. So I'm still in denial that this is the actual reason.

Anyway now I'm jobless after 2 days and can't file for unemployment because I wasn't there long enough, so now I have to scramble and find another job.. And this whole “We're desperate for workers” thing is such a lie, they had several exterior signs saying help wanted but I guess they aren't hurting enough so they just fire someone who only worked for two days and was never even given a fair chance.

My life feels so uprooted and I'm bitter and upset. It's fully my fault for even getting myself in this situation, before I was even hired I looked at the employee reviews on indeed and glassdoor and a lot of the problems people mentioned I experienced even though I was there for two days.

Just needed to rant.

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