
my boss has 5 people quit under him in 2 months!

My boss has been with this company for two years. He had 5 people quit under him in the past 2 months. he tells us if we get a salary we need to put in the extra hours and effort. Sacrifice our weekend or be prepared to cut ties. He needs to micromanage every single thing we are doing. Even a little typo or noob mistake results in him threatening us with a bazillion things. Some of the things he has said to my colleagues and me “What is the difference between you and a 10 year old” “I see you lack process knowledge then why don't we just lay you off we have multiple replacements ready” yet this company makes us overtime cuz they don't have enough people “Should I talk to the management and ruin your reputation because ur monthly performance score hasn't improved, clearly you're not fit…

My boss has been with this company for two years. He had 5 people quit under him in the past 2 months.

he tells us if we get a salary we need to put in the extra hours and effort. Sacrifice our weekend or be prepared to cut ties.

He needs to micromanage every single thing we are doing. Even a little typo or noob mistake results in him threatening us with a bazillion things.

Some of the things he has said to my colleagues and me

“What is the difference between you and a 10 year old”

“I see you lack process knowledge then why don't we just lay you off we have multiple replacements ready” yet this company makes us overtime cuz they don't have enough people

“Should I talk to the management and ruin your reputation because ur monthly performance score hasn't improved, clearly you're not fit for this job. And your score is affecting my score too”

This company also does not give sick leave, taking a sick leave directly affects the performance score.

He wants everyone to generate 110% productivity

He cares more about the numbers than about people. This company's whole structure just feeds negativity. He lies about urgency or overplays a small mistake to “teach a lesson”

If you are unable to turn in work within time due to an unexpected error or difficulty solving a problem he calls u onto a meeting every few mins and gets mad for “incompetency”. He tracks our monitors and does not allow us to talk with people outside our team for help regarding the smallest query.

These are just some of the things i remember and I'm willing to leave if they fire me. But I'm not going to resign even if they bully me because legally i know they can't fire me. And I'm happy with the paycheck and experience I'm gaining.

It has ruined my mentally and completely changed my perspective on this corporate world. But it has also made me stoic and stable and unaffected by words. I'm never going to be loyal to any company that's for sure.

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